Hello and welcome to Local Honest Homebuyer. In this blog post, we are going to tell the story of a seller who had a troubled property, who over the phone said to us, “We don’t need to meet if you want my house. Buy it from the city as I’m going to let them take it!” And we not only helped with the seller but put $5,000 in her pocket while doing so.

If you google HOUSE BUYERS or WE BUY HOUSES guys you will find countless websites that talk about real estate investors who want to help people. We are no different as this is an effective message. However, we really strive to help people, and our record and number of deals along with the testimonials we receive speak to this.
So back at the end of 2019 we met a seller who had a property she wanted to sell quickly for cash, and that is our business, so I was happy to speak with her. She said the property had a messed up title and she didn’t think she could sell it. As we spoke during the next week or so, she began to get more and more frustrated about the property. We run into this all the time, sellers say they are “DONE” with the property and just don’t want to own it anymore.
Well, quickly this seller got there and told me that if I wanted it, just to buy it from the city as she was going to let them take it. People do this because the property causes some type of pain and they want the pain to go away. Well, since I live in the city where this property is located and I love to help people and love to buy a property, I asked for an opportunity to buy it from her.
I told the seller instead of you getting nothing, how does $5,000 sound? I then told her I’d do all the work and she could sit back and wait for the closing. She agreed. Oh, another investor was working on this deal before me and couldn’t get it done. That is another thing I was proud of. I’ve become a kind of “fixer” with trouble or messed up properties.
So we got to work, hired an attorney, met with the family to get all the signatures, and were quickly able to fix this troubled property and close quickly. In fact, here is the seller’s testimonial about us: Liz’s testimonial.
So if you have a property that has title issues, tax issues, you are about to lose it to foreclosure or any reason and you just want to walk away, give us a call or fill out the form on our website www.localhonesthomebuyer.com and we’ll talk with you, answer your questions honestly and if we can help, we will quickly.
Thanks for reading!