Now that you are moving out, your Lease Agreement requires that you leave the property in a clean and undamaged condition. We have every intention of returning your Security Deposit & other Deposits as long as you have fulfilled your agreement with us. The following information is provided to help you get your Security Deposit returned without any misunderstandings.
In order to receive your deposit back, please review the following checklist of items to complete and potential chargeable items before you move out. Please contact the leasing team with any questions regarding this checklist.
All rooms must be cleaned thoroughly including:
Bathroom: Tiles, Sink, Toilet, Floor, Mirrors, Tub/Shower
Kitchen: Stove/Range/Oven, Sink, Floors, Refrigerator, Freezer, Cabinets, Counters, Microwave, Hood Fan, Dishwasher
All Rooms: Walls, Windows, Floors, Fire Places, Mini-Blinds, Ceiling Fans, Doors
Floors: Carpets – Vacuumed and Steam Cleaned – Tile/Wood Floors – Swept and Mopped
Make sure the following are left in working order and cleaned as necessary:
Appliances/Fixtures: Towel Rods, Toilet Paper Holders, Blinds, Microwaves, Dishwashers, Garbage Disposals, Washing Machines, Dryers, Switch Plates, Outlet Covers, Original Door Knobs, and Locks on ALL Doors.
Miscellaneous Move-Out Tasks
⬜ Schedule an appointment for a move-out inspection with your property management. This is optional but is highly recommended. There may be many residents moving out the same day as you, please keep in mind that we can only schedule so many appointments in a day and they are scheduled on a first come first serve basis. The inspection can only provide an estimated potential charges list. Until the maintenance team has entered the unit to prepare it for the next residents we will not know the full total of the charges.
⬜ Post Office keys: if mailbox keys were originally issued by the Post Office, they should be turned in to the Post Office with a Change of address notice. If mailbox keys were given by us, please turn them in with your keys.
⬜ Schedule Utilities to be taken out of your name for move-out.
⬜ Provide your forwarding address to (your email address) in writing prior to the move-out date. This must be submitted with all lessees signing (photo of a written statement signed by all residents emailed to email address).
⬜ All Keys and Garage Door Openers must be returned by the morning following move-out. Any keys turned in after 10 am the day after move out are considered lost and subject to the rekeying fee.
⬜ Upon leaving, please be sure to fully secure the property by locking all windows and doors.
⬜ Trash: All trash and belongings must be removed from the apartment and all common areas including the basement and decks. No furniture, food, or garbage should be left in the apartment, common areas, sidewalk, or yard. You will be charged for any items including furniture and household trash left anywhere on the property, including the sidewalk/driveway! PLAN AHEAD AND LEAVE TRASH OUT ON THE TRASH DAYS DURING THE WEEKS BEFORE YOUR MOVE.
⬜ Departure: Please contact the office upon your departure at (xxx)xxx-xxxx. Be sure to leave your name, apartment address, date, and time you will be vacating. If you are moving out before your scheduled move-out date please make sure you contact the office and email (your email address).
General Inside Items
⬜ All personal belongings must be removed from the premises
⬜ Painting: Please remove all nails. Please do not touch up the paint without our approval. If you paint & it does not match or if you do a poor job of filling holes, you will be charged for the necessary painting to match the existing paint or to redo the wall.
⬜ Carpet Vacuuming: This must be done after you have completely removed all your belongings and vacated the property
⬜ Be sure to have any spot treatments or pet treatments done as needed. If any Odors or Pet Odors resurfaces after you have vacated the property you are responsible for charges incurred to remove the odor.
⬜ Clean vinyl, wood, and or tile flooring.
⬜ Clean and dust all baseboards.
⬜ Walls, baseboards, and ceilings must be cleaned and free of cobwebs and lint, and spot-clean walls as necessary.
⬜ Clean fireplace, hearth, and mantle.
⬜ Clean all wall switch plates and outlet covers.
⬜ Clean all windows inside and out, and clean window sills, blinds, and vertical slats thoroughly. Be careful not to bend or damage the slats when cleaning.
⬜ Clean mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors with glass cleaner. Also clean window and sliding glass door tracks.
⬜ Clean ceiling fans and light fixtures. Replace burned-out or missing light bulbs, be sure to use the correct wattage and type. Replace broken globes. Make sure the ceiling fan blades including the top and light kits are clean. Also, check the ceiling surrounding all fans. Often dust has gathered from the fans and adheres to the ceiling. One of the easiest ways to clean this is to lightly sweep the ceiling with a broom.
⬜ Smoke alarms must be operative
⬜ Clean All closets, storage spaces, and shelving free of dust, spider webs, and miscellaneous debris.
Kitchen Items
⬜ Clean oven, stove, and under drip pans. If the drip pans and rings on the range are not clean and in like new condition, it would be more economical for you to replace them yourself, rather than to be charged for them. Foil-covering drip pans are not acceptable.
⬜ Clean Oven/Range Hood vent.
⬜ Wash out refrigerator and compartments, including freezer. Do not forget to wash off the top exterior of the refrigerator and clean the rubber gasket around the refrigerator and freezer door. Clean bottom vent. Clean under all appliances (flooring).
⬜ Run the empty dishwasher one last time. Use the normal amount of soap you would use for a full load. Wipe down the gasket and the door and do the surrounding areas.
⬜ Be sure the garbage disposal is clean and free of debris. (Do not use fingers to check) Return/Replace sink stoppers.
⬜ All Countertops, cabinets, and drawers must be cleaned. Free of stains, scale, and rust
⬜ All cabinets must be cleaned – Thoroughly clean and wipe the inside & outside of all cabinets.
⬜ All drawers must be cleaned – Thoroughly clean and wipe the inside of all cabinet drawers & shelves.
⬜ Clean sinks, faucets & countertops – free of stains, scale, and rust. Return stoppers to sink.
Bathroom Items
⬜ Clean countertops, sinks, soap dishes, tiles, fixtures, tubs, and or showers. Be certain they are free of mold/mildew, soap scum, scale, and rust. Do not use scouring powder to clean acrylic or fiberglass tubs. It will ruin the finish.
⬜ Clean mirrors, light fixtures, and medicine cabinets.
⬜ Thoroughly clean and wipe the inside & outside of all cabinets.
⬜ Thoroughly clean and wipe the inside of all cabinet drawers and shelves.
⬜ Clean toilets inside and out and remove all lime deposits. Clean toilet seat surfaces, top and bottom.
⬜ Mop and or vacuum flooring whichever applies.
Outside General Items
⬜ All trash and debris removed.
⬜ Any animal droppings are to be picked up and disposed of.
⬜ All trash and garbage must be removed from the premises ( including curbside). If you have trash that exceeds the normal pickup, you are to arrange to have it hauled away.
⬜ Replace damaged screens and windows.
⬜ Walkways, driveways, patios, and garage floors must be cleaned and free of oil, grease, and other debris.
⬜ Repair pet damage and treat for fleas/ticks etc.
⬜ Clean outdoor light globe(s), and replace burned-out or missing light, bulbs.
Potential Charges
We have compiled a list of potential charges. Nothing herein shall be construed as a limitation on an agent’s rights to pursue the resident for damages not specifically listed hereon:
These are minimum charges and prices may not include trip charges or labor.
Item | Charges | Item | Charges |
Lost Keys | $75 Rekeying Fee | Lost Garage Door Openers | $100 Replacement Fee or $50 per Opener |
Large Items | $100 Removal and Disposal Fee per Item | Small Items/Trash Out Items | $25 per bag of trash removed |
Paint | Depend on the length of time in the property. Based on the invoice from our contractor. | Excessive Carpet Cleaning Work | Cost and Labor will be charged based on the invoice. |
Pet Odor Removal | Based on the invoice from our contractor. | Lost, Broken, or Damaged Items that are Replaced | The cost of the item itself plus a labor charge of $45 per hour additional for installing replacements of lost, broken, or damaged items. |
Counter Repair | Cost and Labor will be charged based on the invoice. | Carpet Replacement | Cost and Labor will be charged for based on the invoice. |
Vinyl floor Replacement | Cost and Labor will be charged based on the invoice. | Drywall Repair | Cost and Labor will be charged based on the invoice. |
Failure to pay Last Month’s Rent | Forfeiture of deposit | Balance Owed on Account After Move Out | $100 Account Processing Fee |
***If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Property Manager. We wish you a pleasant move and the best of luck in your new home.
Only one deposit refund check will be issued per apartment. The check will be made payable to the first person listed on the lease. Checks will be mailed within 30 days of your move-out. Please do not plan on receiving your Security Deposit in less than 30 days after fulfilling the terms of your lease agreement.
Thank you for your cooperation,